Thursday, March 26, 2020
Successful Implementation of the Change Process
Organizational managers are change management tools that are critical for implementing change within organization endeavoring to changing from one level to another in line with an organization’s strategic vision. Therefore their roles coupled with appropriate skills and experiences are critical to successful change over.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Successful Implementation of the Change Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Among the requirements for a manager to initiate and successfully transform an organization is a clear and unambiguous understanding of the current position of an organization, the reasons for initiating change, understand organizational environment in terms of the culture, organizational behavior, processes involved in the change process, and the relationship between employees, the organization, and management (Harris Moran, 1987). An organizations’ environment must be assessed before commencing change. Managers must ensure change plans are well designed and the implementation accurately done to give a satisfactory feedback when an evaluation is conducted of the new look organizations (Christensen Donovan n.d). Equipped with the skills highlighted above, an organizational manager plays various roles in the transformation process. Among these is creating the need for urgent change within an organization. Urgency should be characterized by reality and relevance. When organizational employees see the need for change and associated relevance, the resistance to change is minimized and workforce energy is efficiently optimized in bringing about change. Hall and Hall (1990) argue that managers should understand that change can be emotional and may impact adversely on organizational employees. In addition to that, organizational executives understand that change cannot be imitated single handedly or through management orders, therefore they unde rstand the value of team work. The next role of a manager bringing about change is to create a team to effect the changes. When people work as a team, the synergistic model indicates that better organizational transformations can be achieved in a short period. In addition to that, team work enhances employee productivity and oneness of purpose in initiating change. The created team should incorporate people of various experiences and skills to ensure successful transformations. The next role is establishing a clear vision that clearly communicates to both management, organizational stakeholders, and employees the next level the organization will be transformed to. Each stakeholder is interested in the gains that could be made at personal and organizational levels. Stakeholders would like to understand if the transformation is worth their involvements and accruing benefits. In addition to that, employee should be made to focus their energies towards achieving organizational success i n the transformation process.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another role is communication. A well experienced and sanguine manager wanting to see the transformation process a success communicates the organization’s strategy in a language that stirs employee and stakeholder involvement in the change process. The manager establishes efficient communication networks through which feedback can be received and employee attitude and stakeholder behavior can be monitored and evaluated. Managers with unrivaled keenness of understanding know well that communication is a component that drives change to higher levels of success or bring about resistance to change. Empowering action is one of the critical roles of a manager. When change has been identified as the way for an organization, various obstacles may hinder the change management process. Managers need to desig n plans and strategies for removing any could be an obstacle in the change process to empower action by organizational employees. Obstacles can be removed by rewarding change and progress and at times using other contingency measures that may be deemed appropriate. A manager adept at initiating and driving organizational change creates a aims and objectives that are achievable in the short term. These short term goals should be manageable not to overwhelm employees and the management in initiating and implementing change. These may also be referred to as short term wins. Besides the above roles, a manager should not let up on the drive to bring about change. Rather, the executive should encourage persistence and continuous change progress in the change process. Once change has been introduced into organizations, managers should make change stay. Employees and stakeholders may develop the tendency to revert to old ways if the newly implemented change does not augur well with them. In addition to that, benefits may not be realized immediately. Therefore, a manager should continuously reinforce values and a culture in the new look organization by inculcating new behavior in the organization. To achieve these, a manager may give promotions, conduct new recruitments, and provide new leaders among a host of other strategies (Murphy Conrad, 1994).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Successful Implementation of the Change Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Handling staff resistance Since time immemorial, change has always come with resistance. Organizations meet staff resistance at various levels. However, it is a critical role for the manager to efficiently handle such resistance and transform an organization to a different level. Resistance may be due to fear of losing certain benefits, positions, jobs, status quo, conflicts, disruption, peer pressure, mistrust, and other related po sitions. In such an environment, managers should incorporate the element of a â€Å"learning manager†. A learning manager draws from the experience of other organizations and incorporates the best techniques and experience in handling staff in the transformation process. To effectively handle employee resistance to change, managers should educate staff in clear and unambiguous terms on what to expect in this stage, prepare employees to confront the upcoming situation with realty, and educate them to realize that change is inevitable and the organization is bound to take on a new look. In addition to that, managers who value their staff use various techniques to prepare the staff emotionally confront the new environment. A well prepared does not fight change but embraces as a tool that has come at its own time (Christensen Donovan, n.d). The change Process A number of terms used in the change process include assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation are defined her eunder. Assessment: Is the act of evaluating the nature, quality, or significance of the proposed change in terms of an organization’s strategic vision. Planning: The process of scheduling change process goals, defining task requirements for achieving these goals in line with an organization’s change strategy.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Implementation: It is an institutionalized stepwise metric for monitoring the bringing about organizational changes in a defined way. Well implemented change remains consistent with organizational objectives and strategic vision. Evaluation: Is a measure used to determine the employee performance and organizational success in implementing change. Evaluations provide accurate information that is used as a benchmark in appraising the change process. Therefore successful implementation of the change process is a collective effort by managers, employees, and stakeholders which should be conducted with a keenness of purpose to attract all stakeholder involvement in the process to effectively bring about the desired change in line with an organization’s strategic vision. References Christensen C. M. and Donovan T. (n.d). The process of strategy development and Implementation. Web. Hall, E. T. Hall, M. R. (1990). Hidden Differences: Doing Business with the Japanese, New Y ork: Doubleday Anchor Books. Harris, P. R. Moran, R. T. (1987). Managing Cultural Differences, Houston: Gulf Publishing Company. Murphy, S. E Conrad, L. (1994). The Role of Team Leaders in a TQM Environment. Human Resource Professional 7 (4). 15-19. This research paper on Successful Implementation of the Change Process was written and submitted by user Beau Payne to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Heartbreak, the biggest Earfquake Professor Ramos Blog
Heartbreak, the biggest Earfquake In Tyler, the Creator’s â€Å"Earfquake†, there is some feeling of heartbreak, sadness, passion, and emotion. In the lyrics there is only a couple main lines that are repeated over and over again throughout the song, however, there is much to be discussed about these lyrics. The main line is â€Å"Cause you make my earthquake, Oh, you make my earthquake. Riding around, your love be shakin’ me up And its making my heart break†. As you can see, there is not much being said, yet, there is a lot of emotion being put into the words. I strongly recommend watching the music video before you continue reading. One of the main topics that comes across in these lyrics is heartbreak. For many, heartbreak is a very sad thing. It can destroy the life of someone for a long time and lead to depression. The song portrays this as a very sad thing and looks down on it. When the song mentions â€Å"your love be shaking me up and its making my heartbreak†, it can mean that someone is being friendly with someone who is interested in them, yet they dont see them this way and just want to be friends. This can cause someone to read into someones kindness too much as being interested in them. So when the person finds out they were just being nice, they can become heartbroken because they were emotionally invested and interested in them. This ties in with the pathos aspect of life because there is so much emotion in these lyrics and the meaning behind them. These lyrics cause the listener to become very sad for the artist singing because no one would want such hurt to be put onto a person. â€Å"Of all the rhetorical techniques highlighted in Aristotle’s Rhetoric, pathos is probably most prevalent in literary writing. Most pieces of writing are designed to evoke emotion regardless of whether they are intended to persuade.†(MasterClass, par.11). As MasterClass brings out, the main reason for pathos is to evoke emotion, and that’s exactly what Tyler, the Creator is doing here. He wants others to feel the pain he is going through. Another couple lines in the song are, â€Å"I dont want no confrontation, no. You don’t want my conversation. I just need some confirmation on how you feel†. Here Tyler is showing that he hates confrontation as it makes him nervous. He doesnt want to talk about his feelings with his person of interest. He is also showing how this individual is ignoring him because when he does try to talk to them, they don’t want his conversation, in other words, they dont pay him any attention or take him serious. He just simply put, wants to know exactly how theyre feeling about the relationship. And its already hard as it is because he hates confrontation. Here, Tyler is showing the audience a very real thing that happens to all of mankind. No one likes to be turned down and stood up. No one likes to feel vulnerable, which usually happens when their feelings are out there. This passage of the song also ties in with pathos because what is mainly being communicated to the audien ce is emotion. Just like the other verse, these lyrics are really relatable because everyone can feel for him and feel the same emotion from this. This song mainly appeals to young adults and even some adults. This is because during the early stages of being an adult is where relationships start to get serious with a significant other. The dating scene is more prevalent, and the chance for hurt feelings and even a broken heart are even higher than when an individual is younger in their teenage years. A lot of character building takes place during this time of young adulthood. And I think one of the things that Tyler is trying to convey is that heartbreak must take place at least once in someones life. This is to make them stronger and possibly know how to handle the situation later on down the road. I think Tyler also released this song as a coping mechanism for some who were hurt really bad and just need a song to relate to. This could show to them that they arent the only ones going through their situation and that even stars such as Tyler, the Creator go through it as well. In the music video, Tyler is putting all of his emotions out there as he is performing on stage and just letting it all out. This video really shows how it can be good and feel good to the hurt individual to just let their frustrations out with no censor. Yet, it also symbolizes how that could be harmful when the stage catches fire. He was told to perform yet not to smoke cigarettes. He was able to figuratively let his anger out, but went too far when he lit the cigarette and lit the stage on fire. I think this symbolizes how its good to let anger out yet to not be overflowing with hate. The video also shows how many things can be fixed. His character turns into a firefighter to put the flame out and shows how he was able to come to terms, per se. The music video is very well done as it shows the possibilities and consequences in a scenic way. The language used in this song is very laid back and nonchalant. He is speaking with genuinity yet so much emotion. He sings as if he has just been shot at war because of all the hurt he has endured. He slurs a little bit in the verses yet you can make out what he is saying. There is only really one occasion where slang being used in the song, like not perfect english. This is when he says, â€Å"Your love be shakin me up†. In this instance he is not pronouncing the whole word ‘shaking’ and uses the word ‘be’ to replace the word ‘is’. Even though this isnt perfect english, in this day and age, everyone can understand what he is trying to say. To recap, this song â€Å"Earfquake†is quite a beautiful melody with an even better message. Tyler shows how everyone, including himself, goes through heartbreak. He shows how it can be sad and depressing, and in the video, how it can even be disastrous. Yet, it can be an instance of growth. If one comes to terms that sometimes things just dont work out, theyll grow from this and be prepared should it occur again later down the line. Tyler, the Creator is a talented and gifted artist that gifted this song to the public to help those going through heartbreak. MasterClass. What is Pathos? Definition of Pathos. Pub. May 23, 2019 Genius Lyrics. Earfquake, Tyler,the Creator. Pub. May 17, 2019.
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