Thursday, September 3, 2020
Romanticism And Realism Art And Literature English Literature Essay
Sentimentalism And Realism Art And Literature English Literature Essay The historical backdrop of workmanship and writing was created affected by various scholarly development, the most noticeable and significant of which are Romanticism and Realism. Sentimentalism was a complex creative, artistic and scholarly development of eighteenth nineteenth century that showed up in Europe and was spread everywhere throughout the world. It showed up as a response to realism and robotic style of elegance and the Enlightenment. It was one of the most unpredictable and inside conflicting wonders throughout the entire existence of culture. Dissatisfaction in the beliefs of the Enlightenment, in the aftereffects of the French Revolution, the refusal of utilitarianism of current reality, the standards of common reasonableness, whose casualties was human singularity, a critical perspective on possibilities for social advancement were joined in sentimentalism with the craving of congruity and otherworldly honesty of the person with a propensity towards vastness, the ques t for new, outright and genuine goals. Sharp conflict between the goals and harsh reality caused sentimental people to feel the sullenly fatalistic feeling of irateness, severe joke of the error among dreams and reality. Explicit of the sentimental craftsmanship is the issue of two universes; journalists of that time thoroughly analyzed the genuine and fictional universes. Furthermore, the truth, the composition of existence with their utilitarianism and absence of otherworldliness were comprehended as subhuman void sense, which restricted the genuine universe of qualities. Delegates of Romanticism strongly denounced urban culture and left it for depiction of the Middle Ages or nature. In the calm existence of open country and effortlessness they searched for the salvation from social issues of urban life, restricting it to a basic uncorrupted existence of the territory. Basic lifestyle was their optimal, and for instance, William Wordsworth demonstrated it in fiction. He set a standard to take an innovative material from regular daily existence, to make out it in customary way, utilizing a normal language(Sutherland 125). In his Preface to Lyrical Ballads, he said that the picked a conventional life since all segments of it are common and honest, basic life doesn't repudiate the excellent and supportable types of nature (Wordsworth 6). As a genuine sentimental author, Wordsworth expounded a great deal on individuals and nature. Ordinary ranchers are all around spoke to in the anthem We Are Seven, and for instance his Excursion Book is a case of heavenl y depictions of nature. Simultaneously, another extraordinary agent of English Romanticism, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the creator of Ancient Mariner, Christabel and different books, demonstrated the weird blend of the real world and fiction. He was the agent of English Romanticism, arranged on want for the marvelous. Coleridge picked the region of occasions and characters of fiction and sentimental sort, giving them human intrigue and a similarity to the real world, which pulls in perusers. Such continuous change from reality to unadulterated dream is the primary gathering of Coleridge; it mystically works in the Ancient Mariner, where occurrences of a standard journey change to the zone of miracles, where the regular and the extraordinary converge into an inseparable unit. American Romanticism contrasted from European. In America, sentimental thoughts have added to the profound and stylish information. Sentimental people contended that craftsmanship more than science had the option to communicate reality. Sentimental people underscored the significance of craftsmanship for individuals and the entire society. For instance, in the article The Poet, composed by Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the most powerful scholars of Romanticism, the writer expressed: All men live under the laws of truth and need an approach to communicate their musings. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The man is just a portion of himself; the second 50% of him is that is the manner by which he communicates his sentiments (Emerson 109). Agents of Romanticism scrutinized the truth, for instance crafted by American writer William Howells The Lady of the Aroostook, Chance gathering show the solid impact of sentimentalism on the writer. The books of William Howells contain analysis of American reality, which increments and in later works even communist thoughts show up (Through the Eye of the Needle). In this manner, the highlights of Romanticism in differing degrees are basic for some specialists. Sentimentalism is natural in artworks and drawings of Swiss Henry Fuseli. In his works, troubling refined twisted breaks in through the old style clearness of pictures. Additionally romantism is inborn in enchanted visionary works of artist and craftsman William Blake and works of the late Francisco Goya, loaded with unbridled dream, shocking emotion, and energetic dissent against the national embarrassment in Spain. In France, it is innate in made during the progressive years gallant representations by Jacques-Louis David, early sensational arrangements and pictures by Antoine-Jean Gros, fantastic and expressive works of Pierre-Paul Prudhon and furthermore underway by Francois P. Gerard, who consolidates sentimental inclinations with the scholastic techniques. Crafted by numerous later Western sentimental people are pervaded with negativity in towards society. The legends of numerous sentimental works (Franã §ois-Renã © de Chateaubriand, Alfred de Musset, George Byron, Alfred de Vigny, Alphonse de Lamartine, Heinrich Heine, and so forth.) were impacted by the state of mind of sadness and despondency, which procured the normal human instinct. The primary subjects of works seemed like: the flawlessness is lost everlastingly, the world is controlled fiendishness, the old tumult is restoring. The subject of horrendous world was inborn to all sentimental writing, and the most obviously it was epitomized in the supposed dark sort (in Gothic tale Ann Radcliffe, Charles Maturin; in the dramatization of destiny or catastrophe of destiny Heinrich von Kleist, Franz Grillparzer), and furthermore in progress of George Byron, Clemens Brentano, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann, Edgar Allan Poe, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Authenticity was a scholarly development, described by honest and target impression of reality by explicit implies that were impossible to miss to different types of craftsmanship. During the verifiable improvement of craftsmanship authenticity there were shaped solid types of some imaginative strategies, for example, instructive, basic, and communist. Different reasonable patterns were communicated in various kinds and types of workmanship. Consequently, there were two inverse headings in the hypothesis, one authenticity the craving of the workmanship to imitate, to show the truth genuinely; and the other vision the longing of the craftsmanship to finish the truth, to make new structures. Also, the beginning stage doesnt comprise of genuine realities, yet of perfect portrayal. The principal American essayist, who has completely understood the possibility of authenticity in craftsmanship, was Mark Twain. His work was created affected by basic authenticity, which dispassionately mirrored the American reality first in funny and later in satiric way (Licentiousness of Print, Running For Governor). The creators later works, for example, flyers and humorous short stories (The man who tempted Gedliberg, The United States of Lyncherdom, Monolog of the ruler) show the genuine essence of American dominion. Henry James was additionally probably the most brilliant delegate of authenticity; he was one of the first in American writing, who criticized the middle class triviality of the real world. Disappointment of American lifestyle constrained him to move to Europe, such huge numbers of characters of his works were the Americans who emigrated from the United States (Roderick Hudson, The American). In the novel, The Bostonians he forcefully and uncompromisingly scrutinized the U.S. reality that is the quintessence of authenticity. Numerous pragmatists composed exposition account tales about the destiny of customary individuals, the epic of private life. The most significant pragmatist novel of the eighteenth century were written in the UK (Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Tobias George Smollett, Laurence Sterne), in France (Antoine Franã §ois Prã ©vost, Denis Diderot, Jean-Jacques Rousseau), in Germany (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). The most fascinating certainty is that all the time the saints of books were not rulers and aristocrats, yet individuals of white collar class the shippers, townspeople, fighters, mariners, and so on., demonstrating them in regular family life. There is additionally a need to make reference to that in the center of the nineteenth century Realism changed. In the event that the fundamental characters of Stendhal, Balzac and Dickens could withstand antagonistic conditions, at that point European Realism of the second 50% of the century speaks to primarily the distance of character, its leveling, the loss of character, will, the versatility of condition. It is especially expressive appeared by William Thackeray and Gustave Flaubert. Notwithstanding, this sort of estrangement, incompletely in the UK (George Eliot), yet especially in Russia (Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy) opposed selection of high mankind and the battle for others conscious beliefs. The profundity of philosophical issues in progress of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, the most stretched out inclusion of social reality, empathy for the destiny of the offended and harmed, the nuance of mental examination put these journalists on the map. Summing up, it is conceivable to state that Realism in writing and workmanship was described by the desire of specialists to delineate, speak to the truth as it might have been. Specialists of Realism spoke to the life in the manner the individual really observes it, utilizing the types of the existence itself. Simultaneously, Romanticism is portrayed by disavowal of current reality, the analysis of industrialist human progress, new types of oppression of the majority, reprimand of philistine stale and constrained gatherings of the average culture and otherworldly life. Most delegates of Romanticism censured the truth; they were unsatisfied with it and couldnt acknowledge it. Specialists of both, Romanticism and Realism left an extraordinary legacy their great show-stoppers.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Principles And Values That Underpin Health Care Essay
This week I invested energy at Kings College emergency clinic so as to comprehend the moral contemplations of a nurse’s work. â€Å"As a medical caretaker at Kings College Hospital you need to consider Ethical Considerations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ in my meeting with Sister Malcolm we will talk about moral contemplations like right to life, social equity, individual focused methodology, the desires for people getting the administration, sympathy, trustworthiness and adherence to codes of training and strategies and perceiving how they sway her activity. Right to life implies the option to live, as a medical attendant right to life implies safeguarding some one’s life for whatever length of time that conceivable regardless of whether they need to pass on. For instance, all medical caretakers and specialists at Kings College clinic ought to do all that they can to keep an individual alive if it’s conceivable. Be that as it may, things like a ‘DNR’ (don't revive) structure make it outlandish for a specialist to spare someone’s life No specialists would enable an individual to bite the dust since it is unlawful to have willful extermination in the UK. A few people who wish to take their lives haveâ gone to Switzerland to take their lives in absolute harmony. An individual focused methodology implies a way to deal with appraisal of need that puts the person at the focal point of the procedure and depends on their perspectives and wishes. For me as an attendant an individual focused methodology or as we state ‘patient-focused approach’ implies ensuring my patient starts things out, that they are agreeable framework that makes a reasonable, legit and equivalent society. As a medical caretaker this implies rewarding every one of your patients similarly just as associates regardless of their ethnicity, religion or culture. For instance all patients are remembered for choices about their wellbeing, for example, which emergency clinic they get their treatment at. Compassion is the capacity to comprehend and share the sentiments of another, in my profession we must be thoughtful and have sympathy towards every one of our patients regardless of our feeling on the circumstance, while being compassionate. At King’s College Hospital the staff must stay proficient consistently butâ they state that it’s hard not to feel for certain patients particularly when you see that they are troubled and don’t realize how to manage a circumstance. Trustworthiness implies the nature of being straightforward this implies at each point and part of my activity I must be straightforward. Specialists must be totally fair with every one of their patients as not giving them all the data could place them in peril they need to mention to them what the issue is actually and clarify it and they need to illuminate them regarding what medicines are accessible. Adherence to codes of training and arrangements this is the establishment of nursing, they are the principles we comply with so as to protect ourselves and our patients, this is called shielding, the codes of training are; make your patients your first concern/need, give an exclusive expectation of training and care consistently and you should be responsible for your activities, these are the key instruments in my calling on the off chance that I couldn’t submit to these guidelines, at that point there would be no desire for me. The desires for people accepting the administration these are the desires for which the specialist organization ought to convey as an assistance client to be treated with deference, to be treated as a person, to not be oppressed, to be permitted access to data about themselves, to have the option to impart utilizing their favored technique for correspondence and language, thought about such that addresses their issues and considers their own decisions. Anyway all patients should be treated as a person. This implies they need to be treated as an individual and have their necessities seen to and not feel like their piece of a mass activity, and that their needs aren’t being met. For instance ensuring a patient gets a feast choice fit to their eating routine. For example if their veggie lover they are given a vegan choice. At Kings College Hospital, all help clients are permitted to get to data about themselves. The Freedom of Information Act expresses that all patients are permitted access to their own wellbeing records. For example,â if an assistance client is going after a position, their GP might be approached to give subtleties to their new managers to check whether they are qualified for the activity. All patients are qualified for security this is to guarantee that they are agreeable consistently, for instance if the patient needs to change into an outfit for assessment the medical caretaker/specialist should leave the space to so to ensure both the patient and the attendant/specialist, this is additionally an indication of regard for the patient and it causes them to feel like their needs are being met. Correspondence is another key point between the administration client and the specialist co-op patients ought to be spoken with in their favored language this will ensure everything runs easily and for instance in the event that you had somebody come in that was hearing-debilitated, at that point there ought to be somebody available that can sign this cause the administration client to feel like he/she is being thought about and that they have equivalent chances. Both assistance clients and specialist co-ops reserve the privilege to be in a sheltered domain and to be shielded from any damage; this implies King’s College have an authorized wellbeing and security strategy. This layouts the standards and guidelines, and the activities that should be taken if there is a mishap. At Kings College medical clinic support such that addresses their issues and assesses their decisions is the point at which the administration client has enough certainty to communicate their emotions or offer data with the specialist co-op. It is significant for specialist organizations to offer dynamic help to help individuals impart what their needs are. So as to defeat this, they could give a survey, for the patient to round out and give input about how the administration/treatment they got was and in the event that they got the measure of care that they required. At Kings College they accept that all patients reserve the option to be treated in a noble manner this is on the grounds that they reserve the privilege to feel regarded and dealt with, on the off chance that they feel disregarded or defenseless, at that point they might not have any desire to open up about their clinical issue and this may stop them fromâ receiving the treatment that they need. Exposure is the death of data between medicinal services experts, for instance your GP giving data to your clinic specialist so they can give you the correct treatment. In any case if the patient can't help contradicting this and the medical caretaker despite everything shares the patients data, this is known as penetrating classification. This can negatively affect the specialist co-op as well as the human services administration in general. For instance as a safety measure GP’s are not, at this point a boisterous to leave messages on your telephone in regards to your wellbeing. Classification is keeping data hidden and not revealing it to any other individual separated from those engaged with the patients care. It is key when working with administration clients inside the wellbeing and social consideration division. Be that as it may in the event that the specialist/nurture gives out private data about the patient, at that point there will be not kidding outcomes. This alludes to The Requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. This is an enactment that patients reserve the privilege to take a gander at data about their selves. Another piece of secrecy is If an individual goes to the emergency clinic with wounds and stamps on their skin, at that point the specialist co-op realizes that their something incorrectly. In any case if the administration client tells the attendant/specialist what has been going on and they state that the specialist co-op shouldn’t tell, they should tell social administrations and this can cause strain between privileges of patients and the obligations of the specialist co-op. Data of patients is kept on PCs just as on administrative work and documents. However the data is put away, it should be put away in a protected spot, where nobody approaches it, that way it stays secret. They have to ensure that the record can be recovered when required. The utilization of correspondence to help decent variety, incorporation and advance uniformity of chance is significant when working in a clinic; this permits the emergency clinic to suit for individuals everything being equal, ages, sex etc†¦ this could be banners and signs in various dialects to giving food to take into account vegetarians. This advances correspondence among the administration clients in light of the fact that theyâ feel like their individual inclinations and requirements are being met. The prerequisites of the Data Protection Act 1998 that all data is safely kept so that lone those that need to get to it can in light of the fact that else it would struggle with the necessities of the Freedom of Information Act 2005 this is the opportunity for administration clients to approach their clinical notes whenever mentioned whenever, they can't be retained. Managing pressures among rights and obligations is an intense choice to be made by a clinical expert; in such a case that a patient comes into the emergency clinic with wounds and discloses to you that they are being mishandled and they request that you stay quiet about it then as their medicinal services supplier you can't do this despite the fact that it’s a penetrate of patient specialist privacy however as a human services supplier you need to illuminate the right specialists so they can make a move and this can cause strain among rights and duties. The Importance of precise account, stockpiling and recovery of data (counting electronic strategies), documenting accurately and safely is significant in the medicinal services administration since this is classified data about people, and they have depended you with this data, so it ought to be put away in safe place and have the option to be gotten to effectively by the perfect people if necessary. These reports ought to be filled in a safe office ideally in more than one spot so that in the event that one set is wrecked there is another. It is Important that wo
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Speaker for the Dead
Prime Directive Response When managing remote conscious species, it is pivotal to keep up what is know as a prime mandate. This is the idea that an animal varieties may investigate removed planets, yet should play it safe when managing other conscious species to forestall any adjustment in their movement. In the novel Speaker for the Dead, the residents of Lusitania put forth an admirable attempt to protect their prime order, however the indigenous species seem to profit by their experiences with these people, and start to acknowledge it themselves.The locals of the planet Lusitania, referred to the people as â€Å"piggies†, have gained much from the people in the short time that they have lived respectively. The human dialects, Stark and Portuguese, were vital so as to have the option to speak with the piggies, yet the piggies appear to utilize it for something beyond correspondence. Pages 142-143 show that the piggies can change among Stark and portuguese as a kind of langua ge game that they play with the humans.The piggies definitely know four unique dialects, and the expansion of two more can enable their general public to communicate in more manners. Other than language, the insignificant certainty of reaching another aware species shows the locals that they are not the only one known to man and that they may not be the most grounded or the sharpest. In the event that they understand this, it might assist them with uniting as a planet-wide animal categories quicker than they regularly would have without outside contact. By observing that the people are all the more mechanically propelled, the piggies may likewise concentrate more on endeavoring to make new advancements themselves.History has given us that most developments happen on the grounds that they are essential, and the expansion of people on Lusitania may build the need of innovative movement. Now, the piggies are a long way from being prepared to do initially contact and thusly can't be tai nted by human culture because of the Prime Directive. Their way of life appears to be in reverse to the people, yet that doesn't legitimize any obstruction, regardless of whether it would conceivably profit the piggies. The two species are just excessively far separated in movement to have the option to effectively collaborate with each other.The actuality that two people have just been murdered, and severely so (in any event in human measures), strengthens this thought. The piggies' way of life is still blocked by radical conventions that the people don't comprehend and in all likelihood never will. By being around the piggies, the people are embeddings themselves into the piggies' customs and culture. The piggies may in the long run understand that their way of life is in reverse and may relinquish such ceremonies sooner than they would have. Or on the other hand maybe, they may even adjust their way of life to human standards.With this being stated, it appears to be obvious that even insignificant contact between the two species is having an inconspicuous however significant impact on the two social orders. The social distinction of the piggies is too immense to even consider allowing communications with the people if the Prime Directive is to be kept up. As of now, as is seen on pages 144-145, one of the locals understood that the people are utilizing metals as an asset to achieve more noteworthy undertakings, for example, flight. It might have taken a very long time for the piggies to have found metal as a valuable asset all alone. The people ought to have gone to far more noteworthy lengths to save the prime directive.No asset that isn't prepared accessible or achievable ought to try and be experienced by the locals until they find it for themselves. The thought of a prime order may appear to be chivalrous towards different species, however on account of the piggies it has all the earmarks of being practically unthinkable. The endeavors to study the loca ls of Lusitania without polluting their way of life has brought about many disappointments. Regardless of whether the people were to leave promptly, the piggies have still learned perpetual data that they would not have even conjectured for years.Although it appears just as the prime mandate has been undermined between the people and piggies, the last appears to in any case advantage extraordinarily from the information. They've learned new dialects, found that heading out to far off planets is conceivable, and are presently in any event, thinking about scanning for new materials to make better innovation. Maybe the people ought to have taken more consideration to forestall innovative defilement, however the colonization of Lusitania by people has prompted an unavoidable movement of the local culture.
ATV Ride Gone Wrong free essay sample
I think back and see a haze of dustâ€as I get to the accident site, I see blood pouring from Travis’ face. I need to act rapidly. I overview the harm that just happened to my now totaled ATV and my draining companion. I recollect that I had placed a sweatshirt in the container on the rear of his ATV. I run over and get it out. I state, â€Å"Apply strain to your face to attempt to slow the blood flow.†Travis is a United States Marine and rushes to think about an answer. Yet, for this situation, I am the one in control. I realize I have to call a rescue vehicle, so I pull out my telephone. No administration. I rapidly think about an alternate arrangement in light of the fact that Travis is losing blood. I put him on my ATV and state, â€Å"Hold on to me as firmly as could be expected under the circumstances and keep my sweatshirt squeezed against your face. We will compose a custom exposition test on ATV Ride Gone Wrong or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page †Weaving through the path isn’t about funâ€it’s about sparing my friend’s life. Is it around this bend or the following? They all appear to be identical. The accident site is as yet 10 miles from where we left the truck. Be that as it may, I go ahead. Nobody is in the city or driving past. Everything hushes up. At long last, the 9 Mile Bar is in sight. Yet, this lone imprints a small amount of the outing. I expelled Travis from my ATV and take him in the bar where individuals assist me with cleaning his face. I ask, â€Å"Should I call an ambulance?†A bar supporter reacts: â€Å"No it’s going to take them longer to discover us. On the off chance that you take him now, it would be a lot quicker, and deciding by his injuries, you would be wise to hurry.†So I segregate the trailer and get him back in the truck. My lodge is just a couple of miles away, and I didn’t realize how to get to the medical clinic, so I take him to the lodge to have my mom (an enrolled nurture) look at him. At the point when we show up at my lodge, my mom promptly surges him to the emergency clinic. He required 57 lines around his eye attachment and his nose was broken. At the point when we were riding, we came up on a â€Å"S†bend. As the pioneer, I experienced it and kept on my way. However, at that point a bird of prey descended from a tree and dove before me, creeps from hitting me. I thought back to check whether Travis saw what that falcon had doneâ€but rather I saw a dust storm. , Getting through the â€Å"S†bend, Travis followed too intently and got tidied out. This caused him not to see the second 50% of the bend. When he saw where he was, it was past the point of no return. He hit a seepage pipe on the edge of the street, which tipped his ATV. He at that point hit a tree, making the handlebar experience his facemask and crush his face. Despite the fact that he was wearing a cap with a windshield, the handlebar made significant harm his eye and nose. On the off chance that he had not been wearing a head protector, his wounds could have been deadly. Also, If I had not been with him, there is a decent possibility he would not be here today. In view of my fast reasoning and my activities, I spared my best friend’s life. Also, he is presently back abroad protecting our nation.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Business Article from NY times, Economist, Bloomberg
Business from NY times, Economist, Bloomberg - Article Example The terrible showing of the financial exchange has diminished the profits of speculators on their reserve funds and the declining loan costs imply that an enormous annuity pot would be required to produce a specific retirement salary. The expense of giving annuities to workers has expanded in this manner the move to characterized commitment plans. As indicated by the article, most workers have an issue with conceded delights and just few have the restraint to defer their annuities. Representatives need to hang tight for extensive stretch as long as 40 years for the benefits to pay-off, however the annuity pot may not merit their commitments (Buttonwood 73). As per the creator, British Institute and Faculty of Actuaries has inspected whether there are prospects of offering ensured benefits in the Defined Contributions advertise. The article offers a basic technique for offering (practically) ensured benefits if financial specialists purchase the record connected government securities since reserve funds are ensured against any swelling and government can't default (Buttonwood 73). Be that as it may, the profits are low, and subsequently why most government annuity and corporate assets have put intensely in values trusting overabundance returns in value market will make them make lower commitments. As needs be, one can support against the value chance by purchasing subordinates, for example, a put alternative that ensures the subsidiary holder the choice of selling the offers at a set cost however over the drawn out put choices will be progressively costly that transient agreements (Buttonwood 73). Other drew nearer of offering the ensured annuities in DC showcase incorporate utilizing complex supporting systems that rebalance the portfolio to dispense with any considerable misfortunes. This includes utilizing the exceptional yields of values in a generally safe way along these lines diminishing the expenses of buying an assurance (Buttonwood 73). Be that as it may, the statisticians have bombed in computing the expenses of assurance, and insurance against expansion. From this point of view, benefits are long haul
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Summer 2010 Internship Post 3 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Summer 2010 Internship Post 3 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog This is the third entry in our recap of summer internships completed by SIPA students working in the Admissions Office this year. Brittney Elise Bailey is a second-year SIPA student pursuing a Master of International Affairs degree with a concentration on Economic and Political Development (EPD). ___________________________ From New Delhi to New York: The Perils of Internship Transitions As of Spring 2010, I was still on a leave of absence from SIPA working in New Delhi and the idea of finding yet another internship for the summer, preferably back in the western hemisphere, was a bit daunting. Where do I want to go? Do I want to pick up a new skill? Where would I get the most face time and knowledge transfer from my supervisor if I end up making little-to-no salary for 3 months? Although I planned on staying at my job at the Micro Insurance Academy â€" an Indian NGO that utilizes a community-based approach to risk management for low-income populations in South Asia â€" I wanted another opportunity to apply some of my new knowledge of livelihoods (and microfinance) to education. Children at youth center associated with a SEWA (community-based financial services) After receiving a few summer internship offers from larger micro finance institutions and relevant NGO’s, I decided to return to New York in July to work at the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), an organization within the International Rescue Committee (IRC,) that provides applied research and advocacy on protection programs, specifically for refugee women and children. I became the Displaced Youth Initiative intern with the WRC’s Protection Program. I had four main reasons for working with the WRC as opposed to some other organizations that may have been larger or more well-known. First, I had heard a lot of great things about the IRC and in turn the WRC, where the smaller NGO-within-an-NGO setting was rumored to provide much more substantive work prospects. Reputation goes a long way in all career fields; however, I find that in the development sector because there are so many options to choose from-Multilateral/intergovernmental organizations, NGOs big and small, foundations, the private sector, the government, regional banks, etc.- much of what we have to go by as potential practitioners is reputation… and a few key contacts at our orgs. of interest (if we’re lucky!) Also, former EPD students bragged about how great the Commission had been as a client for EPD workshops, where there was always a clear final project, good working relationships, and truly demand-driven and participatory results. Second, I wanted to be aligned with an organization like the WRC that aims to serve the most vulnerable of the poor, even within refugee or internally-displaced communities, such as women, youth, persons with disabilities and children. Third, substantive work and knowledge transfer between my supervisors and I were a vital component of my decision. This was my first time working for free- a concept many of us in graduate school unfortunately still have to become familiar with- so I wanted to make sure that I could gain the skills and knowledge I desired. Fortunately, my boss, an alumna of SIPA, felt the exact same way and made consistent strides to integrate me into all aspects of her work. Lastly, my motivation to be at the WRC, in particular, had to do with the Displaced Youth Initiative(DYI) itself. As a DYI intern, I worked between the Youth and Livelihoods programs, which among other things, aimed to bridge education to income-generating programming for young refugees and IDPs in conflict and post-conflict settings. Much of my work consisted of helping to produce DYI reports on education and skills-building, fine-tuning market-based assessments (for Southern Sudan and New York), ME for WRC and IRC youth advocacy impact, managing our Youth Advisory Board and attending high-level meetings related to youth, education in emergencies and livelihoods. In addition, I conducted comprehensive research-through mapping, desk research, surveys, interviews, etc.- on the most innovative non-formal education programs for youth worldwide. In spite of my initial fears to leave India, to be further away from the field and settled into some skyscraper near Grand Central, to prioritize knowledge transfer over money and prestige this time around, I found that this type of applied research really suited me. It was in fact what I was looking for in a summer internship. I will most likely stay on at the WRC and IRC throughout this next year, working on education and livelihoods projects in some capacity. Between the connections made, skills built and summer reports of WRC research turned action in the field, I am positive that my internship transition was worth it.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Life After HBS [8 Lessons From a Recent Grad]
Graduation day is fast approaching for business school students, which means most are asking: What’s next? What is my life going to look like after school? Or should I go back and attend more schooling? These were questions I was asking myself two years ago as my own graduation from HBS approached. Now, two years out of the program, I have some perspective, and I think it’s useful. If you are considering an MBA or other graduate level education, keep reading.Image Credit: Lessons learned: 1. Not all Harvard MBA students are raking in the dough. While some graduates do command incredible salaries eventually, none that I am aware of made millions their first year after school. Furthermore, in many anecdotal cases, those who choose jobs making less money than their peers were often the happiest and found their jobs most rewarding. 2. Men still make more than women in some fields, but not all. There is an earning variance between men and women, but it’s not universal that men make more. As you can see above, while women do make less than men in most fields, they command larger wages in non-profits and HR. 3. Prepare to hop jobs. I changed jobs less than two years after graduation. Many of us did. Some people changed for personal reasons (geographic preference or relationships), and others moved after being exposed to unexpected opportunities for learning or places they could leverage their expanding skills. Moreover, many dozens of my peers found something amazing, unexpected, and risky, and yet were comfortable making a leap into the unknown given the confidence in their future derived in large part from graduating from HBS. 4. A Harvard MBA is not a ticket to Easy Street. Some people believe a myth that with a Harvard MBA you can start slacking and still succeed. The truth is the opposite. No matter your education, your work ethic will be the deciding factor in your success. Someone else without your academic background may feel they have something to prove, and they could be prepared to work rings around you. Putting in the work, even after a grueling education, is still required for  success, as well as gaining the trust of others for increased responsibility and authority. Your MBA sends a powerful positive signal. But it does not show up in the morning and work. Only you can do that. 5. Your network is everything. The combination of your proven abilities and your access to influential people in their fields matters. Regardless of the industry or function you enter, there is a strong chance that at some point early in your career another alum will be able to help you out in a meaningful manner. In my own case, a friend of a friend from HBS helped me secure a call with a potential client only a few months into my first job after school. Without his support this prospective client might have never spoken to me (as they had turned down calls with other sales representatives from my company for months). With this kind introduction a relationship was formed, and eventually a deal was closed, and later on this client was one of the largest revenue drivers for my entire business unit. 6. You don’t have to be seen as an elitist. You can be snobby about your MBA if you want. But why? I have found that staying humble and learning from everyone is the best course of action. Using the knowledge I gained from business school to help others has made a lasting difference in both business relationships as well as personal ones. Helping a friend polish his or her resume or prepare for an interview, and then watching them get a job offer, is a pretty exciting experience. 7. Business school habits die hard. Time management, wellness, healthy living, and a lifelong pursuit of learning and growth are all traits you can develop or refine at business school. For many (myself included), basic habits that I honed daily during HBS continue to be invaluable today in terms of maintaining balance and health. I found the two years critical  to establishing many of the building blocks in my career. 8. B-school buddies are priceless. No one will be able to convince you that the expense of B-school, roughly $200K in direct costs at most full-time programs today (not to mention opportunity cost, which you hopefully learn about in business school), is cheap. Business School is a huge investment. However, amazing friendships that enrich your life are not an item you should put a price tag on. The unquantified items from business school time spent reflecting, time with wonderful friends, and the forging of new relationships will have more lasting value than you can imagine right now. hbspt.cta.load(58291, '329876d8-775f-403c-90be-0c9882a61619', {}); This guest post is written by Ben Faw. Ben is a Co-Founder and COO at BestReviews, helping arm consumers with confidence and clarity to simplify purchasing decisions. His education includes West Point, Harvard Business School, and multiple military schools including Ranger and Airborne School. Related Resources: †¢Ã‚ Harvard Business School 2016 MBA Essay Tips Deadlines †¢Ã‚ An HBS Student Helping HBS Applicants †¢ 2016 GMAC Alumni Perspectives Survey Report
Saturday, May 23, 2020
My Career At Loyola University Chicago - 1418 Words
After a long eight months, I can now look back and say that I completed my first year of college. It is safe to say that during that time, life was not the same as it was in high school. Many adjustments, such as sacrifices and prioritizing had to be made. However, I think that those adjustments had made me a more accountable student, but more ultimately a better rounded human being. As I am about to enter my second year at Loyola, I am ready to tackle whatever challenges I may face. I personally feel that I am still a planet’s distance away from figuring out who I really am, but I think that as long as I can keep being the best person I can be, I can accomplish what I want to do during my post-collegiate career. In this essay, I will talk about my undergraduate career at Loyola University Chicago, emphasizing my field of study, college experience, and my career goals including the route I plan to take to get there. My current major at Loyola-Chicago is Health Systems Manageme nt otherwise known as H.S.M. which as it implies, revolves around the health-care industry. I was originally an Economics major with the Liberal Arts and Sciences school. At the time, I thought that Economics was the major for me because I really enjoyed the topic when I was in high school, and I was also into business. I did well in both semesters; however, I was also interested in learning about the health-care business. I did not know that Loyola had a major focusing on health-care until I talkedShow MoreRelatedPsychology And Pursue A Career928 Words  | 4 PagesA few years ago, my future and my goals were clear: I would graduate in 2017 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology and pursue a career in therapeutic counseling. However, my plans were altered after I was exposed to the research side of psychology. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay about A Mans Struggle to Heal Himself in Big...
A Mans Struggle to Heal Himself in Big Two-Hearted River Ernest Hemingways Big Two-Hearted River* is such a rich text that it has probably received more literary critical attention than many novels of several times its length. Hemingways ardent use of intricate detail and his intentional, calculated use of short, simple sentences help to make River a treasure chest of critical ideas and possible interpretations. Historically, much of the criticism of River has examined the dark underlying themes of the story, such as the alleged omission of some preceding, devastating event and Nicks wounded spiritual and mental state. These sentences, such as There was no town, nothing but the rails and the burned-over country, are†¦show more content†¦Through this type of reading, we are able to see the great contrast that exists, especially for Nick, between the river with its fast moving current and the dark swamp, a representation of whatever wound from which Nick is trying to heal. Lewis E. Weeks offers another view, similar to Twitchells, of River. Weeks points out some problems with Nicks pitching of the tent which, not surprisingly, is described in a manner such as not to leave the reader in want of details: With the ax [Nick] slit off a bright slab of pine... and split it into pegs for the tent. He wanted them long and solid to hold in the ground... . He pegged the sides out taught and drove the pegs deep, hitting them down into the ground with the flat side of the ax until the rope loops were buried and the canvas was drum tight. (214) From this scene, we cannot dispute Nicks intentionally pitching the tent so that it was drum tight. Weeks explains: [T]he problem from the point of view of the outdoorsman is the tightness with which the tent is pegged down. Canvas shrinks from both dew and rain; and usually notched or hooked pegs are driven into the ground in line with the tension so that they will pull out as the tent shrinks... always the tent is pitched with some looseness to allow for changes in humidity. (433) The question now becomes why Hemingway, an avid outdoorsman, would allow such inconsistencies to surface in River.Show MoreRelatedPoetry by William King, Martyn Lowery, Andrew Marvell, Liz Lochhead, John Cooper Clarke and Elizabeth Jennings10576 Words  | 43 Pagesrhymed meditation. The most obvious poetic technique that these poems have in common is their use of imagery. Love and Sex ============ Surprisingly, perhaps, the most sexually explicit poems in this collection are the two older ones: The Beggar Woman and To His Coy Mistress. Of the modern poems, none of them deal with the sexual side of a relationship. Three poems, however, deal with the full spectrum of sexual involvement in relationships. To His CoyRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words  | 102 Pageswith him, and a fountain clerk in St. Louis refused to serve him a soft drink. He dealt with these slights the way he would his entire life: He turned away quietly. But Langston decided that instead of running away from the color line and hating himself for being black, like his father had, he would write about the real-life experiences of black people. He was determined to write stories about Negroes, so true that people in faraway lands would read them. James Langston Hughes was born in JoplinRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pagesmanuscript was partly typed without alteration into a Word processor, originally an Apple-based system. This was transferred to an IBM system quite recently, but without any conversion of the character codes. It seems that two different systems of coding diacritics were used and more than two IPA phonetic fonts. Furthermore, for some reason, the typing of the grammar sketch which precedes the manuscript is incomplete. In order to make the manuscript available, I have therefore joined together the fragments
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Rainbow, By Rene Descartes - 1743 Words
To be able to really discuss rainbows we have to know the mechanics of them, which has been studied since ancient times. Greek philosophers were aware of the role of reflection in forming a rainbow and had some understanding of the role of refraction. In the 13th century, scientists produced theories on rainbow formation, and in the 17th century, Rene Descartes sketched out the conditions required to observe a rainbow (Douma). There are two key aspects that affect a rainbow, and these include the altitude of the sun and the size of the raindrops. The colors of the rainbow are because of two basic facts: †¢ Sunlight is made up of the whole range of colors that the eye can detect. The range of sunlight colors, when combined, looks white to the eye. This property of sunlight was first demonstrated by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666. †¢ Light of different colors is refracted by different amounts when it passes from one medium (air, for example) into another (water or glass, for example) (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research). Determining whether or not the wavelengths will go through the raindrops or reflect always depends on the angle that the light falls on the backside of the raindrop. Each rain droplet has a function in the formation of the rainbow. Sunlight enters the rain droplet at a specific angle and the rain droplet separates the white light into many different colors. This angle is a fixed measurement between your eye and the sun. What color that isShow MoreRelatedThe Theory On Rainbow Formation And The Mechanics Of Them Have Been Studied Since Ancient Times1557 Words  | 7 PagesRainbows and the mechanics of them have been studied since ancient times. Greek philosophers had some understanding of the role of refraction, scientists in the 13th century produced theories on rainbow formation, and in the 17th century, Rene Descartes sketched out the conditions required to observe a rainbow (Douma). There are two key aspects that affect a rainbow, and these include the altitude of the sun and the size of the raindrops. The colors of the rainbow are because of two basic facts:Read MoreSnell s Law : The Law Of Refraction1195 Words  | 5 Pagesof the law, in which he never published. Meanwhile, Renà © Descartes derived the law using heuristic momentum conservation arguments in terms of sines and acknowledged this in his 1637 essay Dioptrics. Using his new knowledge, he was able to solve a range of optical complications.Descartes assumed the speed of light was infinite, yet in his induction of Snell s law, he also assumed the denser the medium, the greater the speed of light. Descartes obtained obtained cubic and higher degree curves. ToRead MoreThe Origins of Modern Science Essay2484 Words  | 10 Pagesideas Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Rene Descartes (1596-1650), and Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), stand as prime examples of human reason colliding with the ideas of the Cath olic Church. Given their continued importance, and the unquestionable impact of these thinkers, we find it important to ask: why were these men and their ideas heretical? The tradition of utilizing human reason to understand both the cosmos and the existence of mankind preceded Galileo, Descartes and Newton. Aristotle (384-322Read MoreEssay on Descartes Failure4852 Words  | 20 PagesDescartes Failure In his Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes strives first and foremost to provide an infallibly justified foundation for the empirical sciences, and second to prove the existence of God. I will focus on the first and second meditations in my attempt to show that, in his skepticism of the sources of knowledge, he fails to follow the rules he has set out in the Discourse on Method. First I claim that Descartes fails to draw the distinction between pure sensation andRead MoreModern Meteorology And Its Effects On The Earth1693 Words  | 7 Pagesoften reflecting divine opinions of man’s actions (Fleming). Ancients thought of rainbows as a pathway from mortal Earth to the Heavens, and observation was limited to the crude human senses. As modern scientific principles became more prevalent in the 16th and 17th centuries, weather was increasingly seen as a physical result of atmospheric conditions. For example, Renà © Descartes discarded the supernatural view of rainbows, instead proposing a detailed geometric explanation of how sunlight was refractedRead MoreThe Role Of The Textile Design?1552 Words  | 7 Pageshuman-machine integration can isolate us within a fixed chain of procedures and overlook opportunities to develop embod-ied, sensitive and nuanced methods of expression. The embodiment theories of Maurice Merleau-Ponty [4] provide an alternative to Renà © Descartes dualism of a radical separation of mind and body – thus offering a holistic lens to view and design a ‘soft machine’ through the active participation of the lived body in different stages of the design process. Moreover, digital critic Jaron
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Genealogy And Origin Of Neoliberal Globalization
The genealogy or origin of neoliberal globalization began in the second half of the 20th century. Neoliberalism came into existence as form of government in many countries around the world. Neoliberalism is essentially a reassertion of class power where the rich become richer and with the removal of bureaucratic and state hurdles one is able to facilitate and strengthen the deregulation of capitalism. To the individual, neoliberalism implies that rationality, individuality, and self-interest guide all actions. It’s viewed as a global social science capable of explaining human behavior since all behavior is in fact thought to be directed by logical, individualistic, and selfish goals. The foundational roots of neoliberalism were planted by a political economy theory which advocated for markets to be completely liberated from any type of governmental interference. These markets would be free from competition and free enterprise was promoted which would allow for economies to grow. Neoliberal ideas have drastically changed how states operate for starters by promoting a market-based economy that values competition and efficiency. Neoliberalism has also directly led to the economic rationalization of the state, the restructuring of state sectors, and the dismantling of the welfare state. However, there were in fact many consequences of these changes. For example, the U.S. and U.K. have seen consequences in the form of abolishment of subsidies and tariffs, the corporatizationShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesyears of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as
The Link Between Nationalism And Racism History Essay Free Essays
This essay will critically analyze the nexus between patriotism and racism in order to set up if there is a correlativity. Racism is an of import argument in modern-day society because it is widely perceived that racism in no longer prevailing but racism continues to be. Harmonizing to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is defined as the, ‘discrimination against or hostility towards other races. We will write a custom essay sample on The Link Between Nationalism And Racism History Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now ‘ Barack Obama was the first black president of America in 2009 but is invariably greeted with unfavorable judgment claimed by former president, Jimmy Carter because he is black and the ‘belief held by many Whites that an African American is non qualified to be in the White House. ‘ ( The Guardian ) In order to reply this inquiry I will foremost discourse the function of patriotism and the effects that it has upon imagined communities in nation-states in order to set up links between racism. To exemplify my theory I will utilize illustrations of how patriotism was used to advance racist positions and reenforce a peculiar set of ideals. My First illustration is of Nazi Germany who wanted to eliminate the Judaic race in Europe. The German state was to be cleansed and go forth a superior German race. I will specifically look at the grounds why the National Socialist German Worker ‘s Party ( NSDAP ) was elected and how they used patriotism in order to advance the party ‘s hatred for the Judaic race. I will besides look at how Nazi propaganda was used to reenforce racist positions in order to convey together the nation-state. The concluding illustration will research the intensions of what precisely constitutes you to be a member of a nation-state and whether you have successfully integrated into society. In 2000 in the coastal town of Nea Michaniona an Albanian pupil named Odysseus Cenai was given the wages to transport the national flag at a commemorating parade. ( Tzanelli, 2006:27 ) I will look at the grounds why Cenai and others were discriminated against by looking at how Greece maps and looking at the history between Greece and Albania to tie in a nexus. I believe that patriotism reinforces a peculiar image of nation-states in order to make a sense of national pride. I believe that patriotism has stemmed from political motions, faiths and the media. Patriotism is non wholly to fault for racism but has played a critical function in back uping it. The Othering? Paragraph 1 Patriotism is defined as the: ‘Politicised societal consciousness centered upon an cultural born out of shared commonalties, seeking to accomplish integrity, liberty and group involvement by mobilising ethnic-based constituencies. ‘ ( Norbu, 1992:181 ) Norbu ( 1992 ) has identified the cardinal function of patriotism within a state ; patriotism has in kernel sought to reconstruct the original Latin significance of state, people or state. ( Norbu 1992:25 ) Patriotism is an political orientation of the province or a inactive political orientation in so far as it identifies peoples ( states ) with provinces. Anderson ( 1983 ) claims there are three causes of patriotism: faith, dynastic kingdom and print capitalist economy. The historical context will supply the background for patriotism in order to set up the cardinal incentives such as: nationalism, national pride, conveying the nation-state together and making a specific set of beliefs. The state is ‘an imagined political community and imagined as both inherently limited and autonomous. ‘ ( Anderson, 1983:06 ) Harmonizing to Anderson ; ‘The state is imagined because the member of even the smallest state will ne’er cognize most their fellow-members, run into them, or even hear of them, yet in the heads of each lives the image of their Communion. ‘ ( Anderson, 1983:06 ) Paragraph 2 History Hitler ‘s rise to power had cardinal effects for the German province every bit good as the persecution of Jews. The German populace elected the National Social Workers Party ( NSDAP ) which was controlled by Hitler in order to take them through a difficult period in clip due to the great depression and the economic and national casualty of World War I. In 1920 Anton Drexler published the â€Å" Twenty-five Points †programme which set out the NSDAP policies. Bizarre combinations of political idea were in common in Germany in 1918. The growing of Nazism was doubtless helped by a clime of comparatively similar thoughts. ‘ ( Eatwel, 2003:126 ) This was polar to the party deriving control of the province because the morale of the state was low and the economic crisis made it hard for the state. This plan had set out how the German state needed to take back control and create equality amongst a superior race by the remotion of inferior races. The plan was really negative and critiqued what was incorrect with Germany at the clip and was the ground why it became so appealing to the imagined community. National pride i? Superior race Hitler brought the German province closer by conveying back national pride to the imagined community, which had been losing for so long. He believed that the Aryan race was the superior race and everyone else was inferior. Drexler used Charles Darwin ‘s theory of endurance of the fittest and radicalised it by claiming that the inferior persons should be eradicated. It was non merely the Jews who were discriminated against but besides the Slavs and the Blacks were ‘deemed inferior people, destined for conquering or servitude. ‘ ( 37 ) Hitler used patriotism in order to know apart against other races because they were seen as below them, by doing the German race seem more of import or worthy so everyone else he reinstalled national pride in the imagined community. In his 25 point programme he spoke of how he wanted to unify ‘all Germans in a great Germany ‘ and that â€Å" German people have rights to those equal to those of other states and the Treaty of Versailles and St. Germain shall be abrogated. †Nazi Germany were rallied by this belief of their importance and wanted to take back what was truly theirs, sovereignty resides with the Aryan race ( volksgemeinscharft ) Hitler believed that over clip it was going of all time more hard to separate Hebrews from the Germans apart from their faith as they took on European individualities which he believed was incorrect because the Jews who held of import places were working the state for the ain selfish demands. ‘Under Nazism Katz argues ‘racism became metaphysical and the devastation of the Jews was indispensable for the saving of the German state if non their redemption. ‘ ( 68 ) aˆÂ ¦ Nazi propaganda i? Encourage them i? Fear Nazi propaganda played a important function in maintaining the state province strong and to reenforce the province chief policy, which was to make a superior race. Nazi propaganda was used to promote everyone that what they had set out to make was the right thing and the state should be proud for cleaning society. ‘Publicity was designed to startle the population, to implement continued attachment and group trueness. ‘ Hitler invariably spoke of how he wanted to take the Judaic race in Europe. Nazi political orientation was systematically used with the purpose of keeping high national pride in the imagined community. In a popular hebdomadal magazine, Der Angriff had a circulation of some 300,000 wrote, ‘the war will stop with the extinction of the Judaic race ‘ and in another widely read article, Das Reich made an indistinguishable anticipation: ‘the Jews will pay with the extinction ( aussrottung ) of their race in Europe. †The repeat of despised towards Jews in the imperativeness would go synonymous in the imagined community and hence would back up the German cause. ‘ Nazi Germany non merely promoted propaganda but when they realised they were get downing to lose clasp on the war they tried to beat up the state by motivating fright. Nazi Germany tried to convert the imagined community that it was non merely them who played a function in the attempt to destruct European Jewry but it was the German public excessively. NSDAP believed that by intimidating the German state, they would hold no pick but to back up and promote their attempts. NSDAP claimed that ‘Jewish Acts of the Apostless of retaliation against the full German people, and non merely the Nazi leading, should the war terminal unsuccessfully. ‘ This clearly shows the nation-state employed these fear tactics in order to beat up the state and convert them that what they were making was for the greater good. Hitler used patriotism in order to convert the populace that what he set out to make was for the Aryan race. The two most of import factors of Nazi political orientation were antisemitism and racism, Nazi political orientation was committed to the creative activity of a maestro race and therefore the riddance of what it deemed ‘life unworthy of populating ‘ among the Germans such as ‘mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, and physically handicapped Germans, along with Gypsies and Jews. Hitler ‘s used patriotism to implement his ideals by claiming that the Aryan race were superior and that the Jews were the ageless enemy of the German people. Political motion i? History i? Hitlers anti-semitic position Hitler was an anti-semitic leader, who was n’t afraid to publicise his extremist hatred towards the Judaic race and Hitlers ‘ideas sing antisemitism must be entire remotion of the Jews. ‘ Hitler entirely is non to fault for the annihilating offense committed to the persecution of an full race but the NSDAP party who believed in the Nazi political orientation and the people who were involved in it every bit good as the people who stood by and watched. ‘ The Otherring Greece illustration Greece ( 2000-2004 ) there were several instances of racial bias, which brought to the foreground inquiries of national individuality, racism and favoritism. Traditionally the best student of the school in acknowledgment of that student ‘s excellence holds the Grecian national symbol. This was non the instance in 2000 because in the costal town of Nea Michaniona the Michaniote found out the best pupil was non Grecian but in existent fact Albanian, whose household migrated to Greece a few old ages before in hunt of a better life. Odysseus Cenai ( Odhise Qenaj ) is the pupil in inquiry, which caused tumult from his equals and their parents. The chief ground for such ill will was because of his race, he was Albanian and non Greek. This racism towards Cenai and many others who inhabit Greece has stemmed from historical events, spiritual positions and nationalism towards their state. Firstly I will discourse the context in which the events occurred because it provides us with an pen etration to the beliefs of the imagined community. The ground why the Grecian state were so inexorable non to see Cenai an Albanian to transport the flag was because of the significance of the flag. The flag and the national anthem are symbolic mentions to the Greeks with its ain myth of common beginnings and history ( Smith 1981, p. 66 ) . The Grecian flag ( bluish with white cross ) dates back to a decree issued during the Grecian Independence War ( 1822 ) , and ‘entwin [ es ] national sentiments with spiritual strong beliefs ‘ ( Karakasidou 2000, p. 226 ) . The Grecian anthem operates along the same lines, as both its history ( as a piece of poesy composed by the Greek ‘national poet ‘ , Solomos ) and its content refer to the procedure of Grecian ethnogenesis. ‘ Grecian ethnogensis derives from the Greek Ethnos, which means ‘groups of people ‘ , or ‘nation ‘ is the procedure by which a group of human existences come to be unde rstood or understand themselves ethnically distinct from the wider societal landscape from which their grouping emerges. This is an of import construct because the Grecian civilization is really loyal and see themselves distinct from other races due to their belief towards Greek orthodox. The national flag harmonizing to Firth today plays a symbolic map, being a ‘condensation symbol ‘ and ‘a focal point for sentiment about society. ( Firth 1975:356 ) The national flag symbolises the sacred character of the state ; loyal citizens revere it. The national flag plays an of import function in keeping the nationalism and love for Greece. Michael Billig suggests that â€Å" the topographic point of national flags in modern-day life bears a minute ‘s consideration †( 1995, p. 117 ) . These minutes of ideas towards the flag and the significance that they play are cardinal in making a strong sense of national pride. National pride could be considered ideologica lly racist because you adore your state and you do n’t desire anyone staining its image. The parade itself is really of import because it is excessively commemorate the Greeks strength and their finding non to give in to the Italian ‘ultimatum ‘ and resignation to the Axis Forces on the 28th October 1940. Throughout Greece the imagined community remembers the legendary ‘Ohi ‘ ( No ) that the Metaxas fascist government ( 1936-1941 ) allegedly delivered to the Italian fascist government. The struggle between the Greek and Albanians supported by Italy that followed the ‘ohi ‘ and the ephemeral Greek triumph before the German invasion and business ( 1941 ) , are registered as a great loyal act. Parading therefore symbolizes the victory of the ‘Greek spirit ‘ over its ‘enemies. ‘ ( Karakasidou 2000:241 ) nationalism towards their state is clearly high among the Greeks and this is apparent in there conflict against holding a non-Greek carry the flag which means so much to them and in this was they are honoring their t riumph. However this may be good for the Greeks that they love their state but this has besides created barriers between other civilizations. Harmonizing to Nadia Seremeta-kis so advisor to the Greek Ministry of Public Health discovered an association between Albanians and other immigrants to Greece after the gap of EU boundary lines and narratives about ‘waves of infections traversing Grecian frontiers. ‘ ( Seremetakis 1996:489 ) This creates a sense of imagination in that the infections are the immigrants traversing the Grecian boundary line. The intension of the term infection describes the immigrants as if they are occupying the host state, the racialist tone towards other civilizations is apparent and this is due to national pride. Albanians have even changed their names to Greek traditional ways in order to suit into society so they would n’t be stigmatised. Furthermore it was from Grecian perceptual experiences that if you were a different ethnicity to them , so you are Albanian. ( ibid ) The fact that they cant distinguish between different races reinforces the Grecian state ‘s attitude towards other races and their racialist positions. There was a possibility of allowing Cenai Greek citizenship so that he could take part but some Greeks argued that would non wipe out his ‘alien ‘ individuality. Two female parents of Michaniote students gave voice to such reserves by shouting in a local meeting ‘I will non allow an Albanian touch MY FLAG or sing MY NATIONAL anthem! ! ! ‘ ( Raptis 16 November 2003 ) . The racial tone was grounds of their disfavor of Albanians and their involuntariness to absorb other civilizations into their society. For illustration, senior members of the conservative party Nea Dimokratia ( New Democracy ) suggested that bearing the flag is a inquiry of birthright, therefore overruling the civic construct of the state. The permutation of civic with cultural apprehensions of the state figured once more in 2003, when the Prefect of Thessaloniki, Panagiotis Psomiadis, declared that ‘You are born a Grecian, you can non be turned into a Grecian! ‘ ( Raptis 16 November 2003 ) . Firth, R. ( 1975 ) ‘Symbolism of flags ‘ , in Symbols Public and Private, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York. How to cite The Link Between Nationalism And Racism History Essay, Essay examples
Marketing Communication Equity and Advertising
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Communication for Equity and Advertising. Answer: Introduction Brand is any symbol or feature that distinguishes a product from its competitors(Keller Parameswaran, 2011). Brand power of firms differs because of their marketing activities, image, size and positioning. Dominos Pizza is an international chain of fast food restaurants headquartered in USA. Dominos was founded by Tom Monaghan in 1960. In 2004 it was listed on New York stock exchange(Domino's, 2016). Dominos has a franchise system of operations and operates in 81 countries making it the second largest international pizza chain. Dominos Australia is the Australian based franchise of Dominos. Dominos has a 25% market share in fast food industry in Australia (Domino's, 2016) Therefore it is a very well established brand. Pizza Capers is an Australian fast food chain based in Queensland and has expanded to Singapore but is still small in comparison to Dominos. The firm has 110 stores across Australia and is owned by Retail food Group. The firm has 4% market share(Pizzacapers, 2016). Both Dominos and Pizza Capers exist in the same industry that is fast food. However, they cater to slightly different market segments. While Dominos tries to position itself as a brand which offers Pizza for youth and family entertainment(Domino's, 2016). Pizza Capers focus more on in-house ambiance of the restaurant. Pizza Capers is similar to Dominos as both are now focusing on online ordering and delivery however the brands have different appeal for customers. Brand positioning strategy Positioning is the image that the brand occupies in the mind of the consumer(Gabam, 2015). Firms use various strategies to create a favorable impression on the customers regarding the brand. Creating awareness about product features or using price as an impact creating tool are some of positioning strategies. Delivery process and product experience can also be used as positioning strategies(Temporal, 2011). Dominos Pizza focuses on product quality, variety in flavors and product experience as the major positioning strategies. Family and youth enjoyment is also a major ploy through which the firm tries to create a favorable impression in the customer mind(Domino's, 2016). Dominos through its marketing activities has been successful in associating family entertainment with its Pizza. Convenience of takeaways and delivery is also a positioning strategy which has endeared Dominos pizza as a top brand worldwide. On the other hand, Pizza Capers is a smaller brand in comparison. However, they have also used positioning strategy to acquire a part of the market share. Delivery and product quality is used as the main positioning strategy. Pizza Capers tries to ensure product quality. Therefore, their promotional strategy focuses on on-time delivery. Pricing is also a main positioning strategy. They have kept the prices lower than the top brands to attract customers. Therefore, Dominos and Pizza Capers are similar in positioning strategy in terms of delivery however, different in terms of pricing. Brand Identity Brand identity is the perception of the customers about the brand or the way the brand wants itself to be identified(Wheeler, 2010). Elements of brand identity are Logo, name, tagline etc. Companies create brand identity to convey the value association that the brand is trying to create for the customer(Dahlen, 2014). Brand identity displays the impression that the firm generates in the customer mind through various cues like its logo. Dominos is an international brand. The red and blue logo of Dominos used worldwide is very recognisable. Fast delivery and hot pizza are associated with its tagline.(Domino's, 2016) The firm uses marketing communication and advertising to convey its message. Dominos also uses cartoon characters to create an identity of family enjoyment (Domino's, 2016). Additionally, the colour red and blue are attractive to children. Therefore, Dominos has a clear and strong brand identity Pizza Capers is a smaller brand. However, it also has a very strong and identifiable logo with its name written in bold letter. The colour is white and brown which may not be as attractive to youth and children as red and blue of Dominos. Pizza Capers focuses on home delivery as a tagline(Pizzacapers, 2016). Though people associate the brand with quality product delivery the firms brand identity has not yet become as deep rooted in the customer mind as Dominos. The firm has successfully achieved brand recognition with in clusters but it has to use more highlighted identification cues to become more recognisable. Leveraging of the Brand Equity Brand equity is a term used for the value of a brand(Aaker, 2013). It can also be understood as the value which customer associates with a product. If customers associate quality with the name of a product then that product is said to have high brand equity(Aaker, 2013). Additionally, people also tend to trust a well-known brand as compared to a lesser known brand because of its equity. Dominos is an international brand of long standing(Domino's, 2016). The fact that its the second largest Pizza chain in the world gives it huge brand equity. People trust the brand. Dominos has been able to leverage its brand name to a very great extent. The firm has been able to price its product higher(Domino's, 2016). It has been able to convince the customer about quality, enjoyment and health quotient of the pizza. Therefore, Dominos due to its international status has been able to enjoy greater revenues because of its brand name. Pizza Caper is relatively a very small brand(Pizzacapers, 2016). However, it has been able to create a niche for itself. People do associate it as an alternative to major brand names. Firm has not been as successful, as Dominos to leverage its brand name as it will not be able to sell the products at a higher price. However, slowly the brand is being recognised internationally as well which is leading to more trust of customers which may help to enhance brand equity in future. Brand Touch points The points of interaction of customer with the brand are known as brand touch points(Yohn, 2013). Touch point can be customer service, website, social media or marketing communication tools like word of mouth or advertising(Kautish, 2013).These touch points are important because they help the customer in comparing their existing knowledge of the brand with their previous knowledge. Dominos has various touch points for customer interaction(Domino's, 2016). The most important is its highly supportive customer service and website for online delivery. Dominos has managed to give proper training to customer service staff so that they give impression of care, support and quality product delivery to the customer(Domino's, 2016). Additionally, the delivery process is managed to create customer convenience. The website is another touch pony where customer can select menu and order. This is manged by expert employees and IT management teams. The touch points help in supporting the brand image of quality product and timely product delivery. Pizza Capers also has website as the most important touch point(Pizzacapers, 2016). The focus of the firm is on online ordering. Therefore, the website supplies knowledge about the menu and prices. The firm manages it through expert employees trained to handle customer queries and manage IT systems. As Dominos is a bigger firm it is able to give better training to its staff therefore, it is able to handle the touch points in a better way. Website management of Dominos is better as it is more attractive and creates greater customer convenience. Customer Buying Pathways and Involvement Buyer decision making process is based on attitude, feeling and belief. If the consumer exhibits a positive attitude for a brand he may make the decision to purchase it(Keller Parameswaran, 2011). Attitude and consumer buyer pathway can be created through affective component which is governed by emotions or cognitive component where the consumer evaluates the brand rationally(Gabam, 2015). Sequence and path of purchase decision varies based on whether the attitude is motivated by emotions or by cognition(Gabam, 2015). If the attitude towards the brand is cognitive the consumer will first think about it, develop feelings and act accordingly. However, if it is emotional then they will develop feelings, act upon the feelings and then think about it. Dominos is a brand with a very long standing reputation. If it comes out with a new product, due to its brand equity the customers may take the emotional path. The may feel good about the new product, act to purchase and then think whether it was the right decision. On the other hand, Pizza Capers is a smaller brand in comparison; hence if they come out with a new product, customers may take cognitive path. They may think about it then develop feelings and then act to purchase it. Therefore, path taken for both brands may differ. Fast food and pizza offered by both brands are low involvement products as they are frequently purchases products(Gabam, 2015). However, comparatively as Dominos is a more reputed brand the involvement of the whole family in choice of flavour might be more. Conclusion Branding helps in distinguishing a company from its competitors. Dominos has long standing brand name due to which it is ahead among its competitors, However, Pizza Capers is also making a name for itself and adequate image building can enhance its brand value. References Aaker, D. A., 2012. Building Strong Brands. New York: Simon and Schuste. Aaker, D. A., 2013. Brand Equity Advertising: Advertising's Role in Building Strong Brands. sussex: Psychology Press. Brown, S., 2016. Brands and Branding. London: SAGE Publications. Dahlen, M., 2014. Marketing Communications: A Brand Narrative Approach. Melbourne: John Wiley Sons. Domino's, 2016. Home. [Online] Avail able at: .au/[Accessed 10 Dec 2016]. Gabam, J., 2015. Brand Psychology: Consumer Perceptions, Corporate Reputations. London: Kogan Page Publishers. Kautish, P., 2013. An Analytical Study on Perspectives of Brand Awareness and Its Impact Upon Consumer Buying Behavior with a View to Facilitate Managerial Decision Making in Organization. Norderstedt: GRIN Verlag. Keller, K. L. Parameswaran, J. I., 2011. Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity. New Delhi: Pearson Education India. OGuinn, T., 2011. Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion. London: Cengage Learning. Pizzacapers, 2016. Home. [Online] Avail able at: au[Accessed 10 Decemebr 2016]. Rosenbaum-Elliot, R., 2015. Strategic Brand Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Temporal, P., 2011. Advanced Brand Management: Managing Brands in a Changing World. New Jeresey: John Wiley Sons. Wheeler, A., 2010. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Yohn, D. L., 2013. What Great Brands Do: The Seven Brand-Building Principles that Separate the Best from the Rest. New Jesrsey: John Wiley Sons.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Gene Therapy Essay Research Paper What is free essay sample
Gene Therapy Essay, Research Paper What is Gene Therapy? What types of cistron therapies cure familial diseases? Many diseases seen today are the consequence of a faulty cistron in the Deoxyribonucleic acid of thepatient and can non be cured utilizing the traditional methods such as antibiotics and antiviral medicine. The victims are now looking to cistron therapy as a possible remedy for their jobs. Gene Therapy is the procedure of replacing a faulty cistron inside a patient s Deoxyribonucleic acid with a working cistron that will bring forth the right cistron merchandises. The familial diseases, in which a individual known cistron does non work decently, such as reaping hook cell anaemia is the most suited to be treated with the cistron therapy. There are two types of cistron therapy in bring arounding these diseases, patient therapy and embryo therapy. In the procedure of the patient therapy, the first measure is placing the faulty cistron and insulating a normal opposite number. We will write a custom essay sample on Gene Therapy Essay Research Paper What is or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To obtain right cistron action, it may be necessary to set it into the right site on the host cell chromosome, or even to cancel the faulty cistron, and the Deoxyribonucleic acid can so be replicated each clip the host cell divided. But if the new cell is injected straight into the patient s organic structure, it will be capable to the organic structure s immune system that will acknowledge it as foreign and aim it to be destroyed along with the healthy Deoxyribonucleic acid that it is carrying.So the cells extracted from the patient are to be treated and adding the new cistron in a trial tubing in the research lab to do certain that the Deoxyribonucleic acid is inserted inan appropriate topographic point in the genome, and the cells can so be returned to the patient s organic structure. Now it is possible to offer the parents an prenatal diagnosing to look over if the foetus is affected by some individual cistron defects. If it does, the parents can take embryo therapy to bring around it instead so abortion. While the basic procedure is similar with the one of patient therapy, to make an embryo therapy is a small spot easier than a patient therapy, because the immune rejection system of the embryo is non to the full developed. The new DNA will non be ejected, while the former DNA will be altered. Gene therapy seems to be a promising and positive measure for the medical community, but ethical inquiries arise every twenty-four hours as we discover more and more about the contents of the human genome. Gene therapy has a promising potency to better the lives of those who have diseases that have until now been decease sentenced, but to take it into existent pattern human existences still have a long manner to travel.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Successful Implementation of the Change Process
Organizational managers are change management tools that are critical for implementing change within organization endeavoring to changing from one level to another in line with an organization’s strategic vision. Therefore their roles coupled with appropriate skills and experiences are critical to successful change over.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Successful Implementation of the Change Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Among the requirements for a manager to initiate and successfully transform an organization is a clear and unambiguous understanding of the current position of an organization, the reasons for initiating change, understand organizational environment in terms of the culture, organizational behavior, processes involved in the change process, and the relationship between employees, the organization, and management (Harris Moran, 1987). An organizations’ environment must be assessed before commencing change. Managers must ensure change plans are well designed and the implementation accurately done to give a satisfactory feedback when an evaluation is conducted of the new look organizations (Christensen Donovan n.d). Equipped with the skills highlighted above, an organizational manager plays various roles in the transformation process. Among these is creating the need for urgent change within an organization. Urgency should be characterized by reality and relevance. When organizational employees see the need for change and associated relevance, the resistance to change is minimized and workforce energy is efficiently optimized in bringing about change. Hall and Hall (1990) argue that managers should understand that change can be emotional and may impact adversely on organizational employees. In addition to that, organizational executives understand that change cannot be imitated single handedly or through management orders, therefore they unde rstand the value of team work. The next role of a manager bringing about change is to create a team to effect the changes. When people work as a team, the synergistic model indicates that better organizational transformations can be achieved in a short period. In addition to that, team work enhances employee productivity and oneness of purpose in initiating change. The created team should incorporate people of various experiences and skills to ensure successful transformations. The next role is establishing a clear vision that clearly communicates to both management, organizational stakeholders, and employees the next level the organization will be transformed to. Each stakeholder is interested in the gains that could be made at personal and organizational levels. Stakeholders would like to understand if the transformation is worth their involvements and accruing benefits. In addition to that, employee should be made to focus their energies towards achieving organizational success i n the transformation process.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another role is communication. A well experienced and sanguine manager wanting to see the transformation process a success communicates the organization’s strategy in a language that stirs employee and stakeholder involvement in the change process. The manager establishes efficient communication networks through which feedback can be received and employee attitude and stakeholder behavior can be monitored and evaluated. Managers with unrivaled keenness of understanding know well that communication is a component that drives change to higher levels of success or bring about resistance to change. Empowering action is one of the critical roles of a manager. When change has been identified as the way for an organization, various obstacles may hinder the change management process. Managers need to desig n plans and strategies for removing any could be an obstacle in the change process to empower action by organizational employees. Obstacles can be removed by rewarding change and progress and at times using other contingency measures that may be deemed appropriate. A manager adept at initiating and driving organizational change creates a aims and objectives that are achievable in the short term. These short term goals should be manageable not to overwhelm employees and the management in initiating and implementing change. These may also be referred to as short term wins. Besides the above roles, a manager should not let up on the drive to bring about change. Rather, the executive should encourage persistence and continuous change progress in the change process. Once change has been introduced into organizations, managers should make change stay. Employees and stakeholders may develop the tendency to revert to old ways if the newly implemented change does not augur well with them. In addition to that, benefits may not be realized immediately. Therefore, a manager should continuously reinforce values and a culture in the new look organization by inculcating new behavior in the organization. To achieve these, a manager may give promotions, conduct new recruitments, and provide new leaders among a host of other strategies (Murphy Conrad, 1994).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Successful Implementation of the Change Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Handling staff resistance Since time immemorial, change has always come with resistance. Organizations meet staff resistance at various levels. However, it is a critical role for the manager to efficiently handle such resistance and transform an organization to a different level. Resistance may be due to fear of losing certain benefits, positions, jobs, status quo, conflicts, disruption, peer pressure, mistrust, and other related po sitions. In such an environment, managers should incorporate the element of a â€Å"learning manager†. A learning manager draws from the experience of other organizations and incorporates the best techniques and experience in handling staff in the transformation process. To effectively handle employee resistance to change, managers should educate staff in clear and unambiguous terms on what to expect in this stage, prepare employees to confront the upcoming situation with realty, and educate them to realize that change is inevitable and the organization is bound to take on a new look. In addition to that, managers who value their staff use various techniques to prepare the staff emotionally confront the new environment. A well prepared does not fight change but embraces as a tool that has come at its own time (Christensen Donovan, n.d). The change Process A number of terms used in the change process include assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation are defined her eunder. Assessment: Is the act of evaluating the nature, quality, or significance of the proposed change in terms of an organization’s strategic vision. Planning: The process of scheduling change process goals, defining task requirements for achieving these goals in line with an organization’s change strategy.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Implementation: It is an institutionalized stepwise metric for monitoring the bringing about organizational changes in a defined way. Well implemented change remains consistent with organizational objectives and strategic vision. Evaluation: Is a measure used to determine the employee performance and organizational success in implementing change. Evaluations provide accurate information that is used as a benchmark in appraising the change process. Therefore successful implementation of the change process is a collective effort by managers, employees, and stakeholders which should be conducted with a keenness of purpose to attract all stakeholder involvement in the process to effectively bring about the desired change in line with an organization’s strategic vision. References Christensen C. M. and Donovan T. (n.d). The process of strategy development and Implementation. Web. Hall, E. T. Hall, M. R. (1990). Hidden Differences: Doing Business with the Japanese, New Y ork: Doubleday Anchor Books. Harris, P. R. Moran, R. T. (1987). Managing Cultural Differences, Houston: Gulf Publishing Company. Murphy, S. E Conrad, L. (1994). The Role of Team Leaders in a TQM Environment. Human Resource Professional 7 (4). 15-19. This research paper on Successful Implementation of the Change Process was written and submitted by user Beau Payne to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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